Contest ResultsContest One
Carl J. Iannacone Memorial Award ($150/$100/$75)
1st place: Bambi L. George, Kismet and Kenzie
2nd place: Del Garrett, Family Prayer for Robbie
3d place: C. Allan Butkus, Gathering of Clouds
1st Hon. Mention: Gary L. Breezeel, Relative Cupidity
2nd Hon Mention: Desiree Stipp-Bethune, Christmas Traditions
3rd Hon Mention: John McPherson, Firecracker Christmas
Contest Two
Wow! Press Award ($100/$75/$25)
1st place: Don Money, Burden to Bear
2nd place: Desiree’ Stipp-Bethune, Serious Promises
3rd place: Bambi L. George, A Promise Made to Myself
1st Hon Mention: Kimberly Vernon, Promises
2nd Hon Mention: Del Garrett, Another Year, Another Promise;
This Time, One That I’d Keep
3rd Hon Mention: Gary Rodgers, A Promise Too Hard to Keep
Contest Three
80th Anniversary Poetry Contest Award ($100/$75/$25)
1st place: Rickey Pittman, Arkansas Gypsy
2nd place: John McPherson, Visiting the Shrine
3rd place: Del Garrett, Grow with Arkansas
Contest Four
Mystery Award ($100/$75/$25)
1st place: Shelby Hogate, Illuminated Truths
2nd place: Gary L. Breezeel, A Light in the Darkness
3rd place: Rickey Pittman, Mysterious Lights in Ozark Meadow
1st Hon Mention: Gary Rodgers, Invasion
2nd Hon Mention: Del Garrett, Mystery Lights or Just Lightheaded
3rd Hon Mention: Dr. Rebecca Foster, The Harvest
Contest Five
Dusty Richards Memorial Prose Award ($100/$75/$25)
1st place: Kimberly Vernon, The Rustler’s Repentance
2nd place: Don Money, Ol’ Switcharoo
3rd place: Gary L. Breezeel, Double-Dealing at the Diamond D
1st Hon Mention: Sara Gipson, The Finley Barn Raising
This year, our 80th contest will be a special celebration. In that light, we have modified our writing contests. We have
reduced the number of writing contests and will award more money to those who place first, second, or third. The contest entry fee is reduced and contest entrance limited to those attending the conference.DO NOT MAIL CONTEST ENTRIES. YOU MUST BRING A PRINTED COPY WITH YOU TO REGISTRATION ON JUNE1ST.
There will be a $10 contest fee, payable with your registration. This fee will entitle you to enter all contests,
or as many contests as you wish.No entries will be sent via mail. Only those attending our conference (in person) will be eligible to enter contests. Bring your entries in printed form, each entry stapled or paper-clipped (see detailed specifications regarding your entries, below).
1. AWARDS made only if contest fee of $10 has been paid (either with registration or at
the door), enabling attendees to enter all contests.2. Conference registration is not included inthe contest entry fee. A winners’ list will be posted on the website, www.arkansaswritersconference.com,after the conference.
3. Only one typed, unpublished manuscript maybe entered per contest. Bring one printed copy of your entry for each contest you enter. NO MANUSCRIPT MAY BE ENTEREDIN MORE THAN ONE CONTEST. No one may enter contest for which he/she issponsor, chairman, or judge. If contestants do not adhere to all rules, entries will be disqualified.
4. Double-space prose (with no spaces betweenparagraphs), single-space poetry. Use only 12-point font. Standard manuscript form is requested. Do not put your name on the entry. Place the word count or line count in the top left or right corner, along with the contest name and number.
5. We will assign a separate number to yourentries (at the door) to facilitate anonymous judging. Failure to meet all contest specifications, including word limits, line limits, or page limits will cause disqualification.
6. PLACECONTEST NUMBER AND NAME OF CONTEST in the upper left or right corner ofeach entry. Do not put your name on anymanuscript. Center the title of your entry on the first page.
Formatting for Contests
1. Use a simple type style like Times Roman or Courier,12 point preferred, on a letter quality printer. DO NOT use fancy type faces or script styles. The goal is to make the manuscript look professional and pleasant to read.
2. Use white copy paper, 20 pound or better, 8-1/2 x 11inches. NO onion skin, lined or colored stock.
3. Follow contest rules for identification ofmanuscripts. Name/address should not to appear on judges’ copy.
4. Double space all prose manuscripts. Poetry may besingle-spaced. DO NOT justify right-hand margins. Allow 1 to 1-1/2 inch margins all around.
5. Drop down about half-way on the first page, then enter your title. DO Not put your name below the title, unless the contest rules call for it.
6. Start your text below the title, indenting each paragraph five spaces. DO NOT add extra space between paragraphs.
7. Contests can vary on header requirements, but usuallyrequire the name of the contest to be placed in the upper left corner and the page number and word count should be placed in the upper right corner. Check the rules for any specific instructions on this issue. The text should begin three or four spaces below this header.
8. Print on one side of paper only. Paper clip or staple finished pages.
Literary Contests
Cash Awards Vary.
1. Carl J Iannacone Memorial Award ($150/$100/$75) Short Story. Subject: Dealing with a family drama. 2500 words max. Chair: Brenda Iannacone.
2. WOW! Press Award. ($100/$75/$25) Theme: “Another Year,Another Promise Made (to myself)” Short, short memoir. Memoir 1000 Words max. Chair: Janis F. Kearney.
3. 80th AWC Anniversary Poetry Contest Award($100/$75/$25) Contest Subject: A poem with roots in Arkansas. Form: Minute Poem. Length: 12 Lines Special Instructions: Written in strict iambicmeter. The sixty syllables represent one second per syllable. Syllables are arranged in three four-line stanzas, each with syllable pattern 8/4/4/4. Rhyme pattern is aabb ccdd eeff. Subject should depict a brief moment that could be completed in a minute. Chair: Sara Gipson.
4. Mystery Award. ($100/$75/$25) Mysterious Lights in the Meadow; Short Story. 2000 words. Chair: Ellen Withers and Brenda Iannacone.
5. Dusty Richards Memorial Prose Award. ($100/$75/$25)Western Short Story. 2000 word limit. Theme: Western, period setting from 1865 to 1900; New submissions only. (Please do not submit a story previously entered this contest). Chair: Ellen Withers.
2024 ARKANSAS WRITERS’ CONFERENCE AWC Director: BrendaIannacone Email: brendaiannacone@gmail.com Phone: (501) 960-5014
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